Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This is a picture of Layne with two stuffed animals that were to be given to Landan on Christmas Day 2006. I never really thought about how bittersweet this picture is until right now. Landan wanted these two stuffed animals SO bad! He would look through the Toys R Us Big Toy guide and pick out the toys he wanted. If he was showing me he'd say "Want that Mama!" And said the same thing to my mom. We told him he'd have to ask Ho-ho.

The weekend before Landan passed away my mom went with me to get some of Landan's Christmas presents. He was at his dads so it was a good opportunity. We got Landan the Dora & Diego stuffed characters he wanted so badly & a big table top train set. Sadly, Landan never received those presents. God it breaks my heart so badly. Instead of seeing his excited face on Christmas morning, these things were displayed at the funeral home. Some family set up & displayed his train. Eventually we plan to donate his train set to the hospital he passed away at. In 2006 we got a plaque to screw on to the train set that says "In Memory of Landan Harris" with his dates & the URL to his Memory-Of website.


Emily And Haylee's Daddy said...

That was beautiful and sad. It isn't fair that our children go before us..it isn't supposed to be this way.
Donating his train in memory of him is so beautiful and honorable. I KNOW that he is proud of his Mama and everything you do for him and how you keep his memory alive.

Wendy620 said...

That is absoulutly so bittersweet your right and this is such a sweet picture im sure even toughh he didnt recieve these gifts he is still so proud of his mama thats a wonderful thing your doing to donate the train wonderful idea i know he is always with you and you are keeping his memory alive at all times *hugs for both of you and your entire family*Love Wendy


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